Omg! Rare De@dly Sp!der Which Gives V!ctims Four-hour Erections Found in B@nan@s (Photo)
A customer was left in deep shock after finding a very deadly and venomous spider that can give four-hour erections in a banana. A d...
A customer was left in deep shock after finding a very deadly and venomous spider that can give four-hour erections in a banana.
A deadly and rare spider which can kill humans and can give men four-hour erections has been found in bananas.
Dailystar reports that Quentin Rees, of Torquay, Devon, found the white cocoon in the bunch of fruit he purchased from the supermarket giant.
And the shopper fears he brought home the nest of the terrifying Brazilian Wandering Spider.
The venomous bite can kill humans in just two hours and it can also cause abdominal cramps, hypothermia, blurred vision and convulsions.
The dangerous beasts, whose native home is in South America, are known to make the journey to Europe.
He said: “I found a load of eggs on one of the bananas in a cocoon.
“They look very similar to the eggs of a Brazilian Wandering Spider.”
Lidl in Torquay have apologised for the incident.
A spokesperson said: “We have thorough procedures in place to ensure that the fresh fruit and vegetables available in our stores are of the highest possible quality for our customers.
“We are therefore very sorry to hear that these standards have not been met on this occasion.
“If the customer has not already done so, we would recommend that he contact our customer services team as soon as possible so that the matter can be investigated.”